Abstract: This Paper proposes a global localization system based on Lora technology where the position data is parsed and displayed for the end-user’s consumption. This work provides an alternative ship-tracking system to the existing Automatic Identification System (AIS), A reader installed on the boat measures the received signal strength indication (RSSI). This paper focuses on implementing border identification system for all boats. However, the existing system is not powerful enough to prevent the crime against fishermen as it gives only the information about the border identification but not about the exact distance that the boat has travelled from the border. It provides lesser possibility to know about their location in case of any danger. The proposed system’s transmitter section includes Seismic sensor and Ultrasonic sensor in order to pick up Tsunami seismic signals and Coral reefs respectively, Arduino microcontroller Lora module, APR voice playback circuit, Relays and DC motor and the receiver section includes Master Lora module which is connected to PC as monitoring database in the controlroom of the port.
Keywords - Ultrasonic sensor, LoRa, Vibration sensor, UART.