Abstract: In the past few years, e-commerce companies have taken control over the commercial sector. As a result the shipment business had to expand significantly to keep up with the e-commerce industries. Majority of customers prefer online method of ordering things and getting them delivered with minimum time period which cause excessive usage of traditional freight companies like FedEx or DHL, Amazon, or eBay. Concurrent increase in shipping and cyber related systems would affect the operations which in turn would require additional maintenance. Due to large-scale of operations ongoing, physical servers could hamper both the speed and quality of administration for such a vast amount of data. To improve the capabilities and features of the shipment management system cloud platform is used which will reduce the operating costs as well as increase the efficiency of the e-commerce industries. Shipment solutions are not fixed to a particular location and must be made accessible anywhere around the globe. Cloud solution will be more catered to meet the expanding shipping business management requirements and the security of data.
Keywords: Cloud, Shipment, Logistics, Cloud Shipping, Distribution.