Abstract: Side friction factors are defined as all those actions related to the activities taking place by the sides of the road and sometimes within the road, which interfere with the traffic flow on the travelled way. They include but not limited to pedestrians, bicycles, non-motorised vehicles, parked and stopping vehicles. These factors are normally very frequent in densely populated areas in developing countries, while they are random and sparse in developed countries making it of less interest for research and consequently there is comparatively little literature about them. The objective of this thesis is to analyze the effect of these factors on traffic performance measures on urban roads.
To carry out this work, a research design was formulated including specific methods and prescribed limitations. An empirical case study methodology was adopted where Dar-es-salaam city in Tanzania was chosen as a representative case. The scope was limited to include only road-link facilities. A sample of these facilities including two-lane two-way and four-lane two-way roads were selected and studied. The study was conducted in two parts, of which each involved a distinctive approach. Part one involved a macroscopic approach where traffic and friction data were collected and analyzed at an aggregated level, whereas part two involved a microscopic approach where data of individual frictional elements were collected and analysed individually. Data collection was mainly performed by application of video method, which proved to be effective for simultaneous collection of traffic and side friction data. Data reduction was conducted chiefly by computer, using standard spreadsheet and statistical software packages, mainly SPSS and some computer macros.
Keywords: Motorised, friction, road.