Abstract: Melanoma skin cancer detection at an early stage is crucial for an efficient treatment. Recently, it is well known that, the most dangerous form of skin cancer among the other types of skin cancer is melanoma because it’s much more likely to spread to other parts of the body if not diagnosed and treated early. The non-invasive medical computer vision or medical image processing plays increasingly significant role in clinical diagnosis of different diseases. Such techniques provide an automatic image analysis tool for an accurate and fast evaluation of the lesion. The steps involved in this study are collecting dermoscopy image database, preprocessing, segmentation using thresholding, statistical feature extraction using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), Asymmetry, Border, Color, Diameter, (ABCD) etc., feature selection using Principal component analysis (PCA), calculating total Dermoscopy Score and then classification using Convocation neural network (CNN). results show that the achieved classification accuracy is 92.1.
Keywords: Melanoma Skin Cancer, Image Pre-processing, Machine Learning, Segmentation, Feature Extraction, CNN.