ABSTRACT: Bigdata is a potential instrument to transform traditional governance into smart governance. There are a long debate and discussion on the application of big data for the transformation of traditional public administration to modern and smart public administration in the academician, researchers, and policymakers. This study aims to explore the suitability and applicability of big data for smart governance of public agencies. A systematic review of literature and meta-analysis method is employed with various levels of scales and indicators. Literature survey shows that a number of models have been developed to explain smart governance but systematic research on the suitability and applicability of big data for smart governance of public agencies is still lacking. This article argues that the application of big data for smart governance in the public sector can increase the efficiency of the public agencies fastest public service delivery, enhancing transparency, reducing public hassle and helping to the become a smart agency.This paper further argues that implementation of big data for smart governance has a significant role in timely, error-free, appropriate and cost-effective service delivery to citizens which leads to the sustainable economic development of a country. The findings suggest that every public-sector agency should be brought under smart governance which should be a fully promoted under big data technologies for easy access, transparent and accountable, and hassle-free public agencies
KEYWORDS: Governance; public administration; Big Data; Digital; Smart Governance