Abstract: A With increase in economic growth more and more people are able to afford vehicles to commute. Especially in metropolitan cities like Bengaluru where the number of people using two-wheelers and cars are high. The number of cars and vehicles in cities have increased by two folds which has created the non-availability of parking slots which in turn leads to traffic jams, congestions etc. Using information and Communication technology with sensors/ embedded systems and IoT the problem of parking can be addressed. Along with that the vehicles can be classified on the basis of their size for a better parking experience. We aim to address the parking availability at malls or different parking complexes in the city. The customer who wishes to find slot in a particular mall/ parking area would check list of availability of free slots using Self Interactive KIOSK machines. The machine is implemented with features to freeze parking slot, cancel the slot and view the list of free slots. Sensors are used to detect if a slot is free or blocked. Edge based AI in the smart parking area/mall parking area is used to give a consolidated report on slots available to reduce the latency to display the free slots. We propose to implement Smart Parking System based on IoT and Edge -AI to predict the possibility of getting the slot based on conditions such as weekdays, weekends, festive days, offer days.
Keywords: Automation, Image processing, Internet of Things, Edge-AI, KIOSK Machines, servo motors and mechanical structures, identify and sort various objects, Object Recognition algorithms, properties, and embedded systems.