Abstract: Insecurities in the northern part of Nigeria has contributed in depreciating the educational system where boko haram, banditries and kidnapping had become the disturbing factors to the system ranging from primary, secondary and tertiary schools while COVID19 pandemic on the other hand, teachers and students were not allowed to conduct a face-to-face class room teaching/learning which forced the schools closed for quite sometimes. Today both lecturers/teachers and students are afraid of being victim in one way or the other. Electronic learning (E-Learning) uses information and communication technology to facilitate learning by means of internet, computers, mobile phones and other computing/communication resources. This research investigated the usability and effectiveness of the developed calculus e-learning system. The system was evaluated by the lecturers and the students. Thirty-five (35) academic staff (lecturers) that taught calculus and web technology as a course in the tertiary institutions within the north western region of Nigeria performed the usability evaluation on the system where the result showed that the system is usable and recommended for student to use. Fifty two (52) students from different departments in Kebbi State Polytechnic Dakingari participated in the effectiveness evaluation, where the result showed that 32 students scored between (61-70)%, 18 (71-80)%, 1 (51-60)% and 1 (81-90)% respectively. The lecturers responded that the system was very easy to use 34 (97.1%), the difficulties of the examples and exercises in the system for students to learn calculus was easy 31 (88.5%) and students responded also that, they were very satisfied with the way they learned calculus with the system 43 (83%). Both lecturers and the students recommended the calculus e-learning system during COVID19 pandemic and banditry attack, the calculus examples, exercises, videos and audios provided in the system are self-explained.
Keywords: Calculus, E-learning, Covid19, Banditry, YouTube, SoundCloud.