
Background: In medical applications, image fusion has become a popular approach for improving image interpretation quality. It comprises combining data from two or more object pictures to create a single, more informative image that is suitable for computer analysis or visual perception.

Material and methods: The datasets of two thousand eight hundred, which consist of images and postures of randomly selected students of Department of Computer Science, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, were acquired using a SAMSUNG 315 digital camera and normalized to a uniform size of 300 x 300 pixels. Sixty percent of the images were used for the training while the remaining forty percent were used for testing purposes.

Results: The results showed that at optimum threshold value of 0.85, the Enhanced Intensity Saturation (EIHS) gave 98.44%, 98.22%, 97.78%, 96.90, 107.75s and 14.81% for recognition accuracy, Sensitivity, Specificity, Precision, Computational Speed and False Positive Rate respectively. The standard Intensity Hue Saturation (IHS) produced 96.44%, 96.00%, 95.78%, 95.56%, 120.0s and 8.89% for recognition accuracy, Sensitivity, Specificity, Precision, computational speed and False Positive Rate respectively

Conclusion: It was concluded that the performance of the developed model of Enhanced Intensity Hue Saturation (EIHS) based model could be very useful and reduce crime and fraudulent cases.

Keywords: Image fusion, Enhanced Intensity Hue Saturation (EIHS), multispectral, panchromatic images, pelican optimization algorithm

ADEYEMO Isiaka Akinkunmi, TUNBOSUN Oyewale Oladoyinbo, AMUSAN Damilare Gideon and JEREMIAH Yetomiwa Sinat,"THE PERFORMANCE OF DEVELOPED INTENSITY HUE SATURATION FUSION OF MULTISPECTRAL AND PANCHROMATIC IMAGES USING PELICAN OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM", IJARCCE International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, vol. 13, no. 2, 2024, Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IJARCCE.2024.13221.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2024.13221

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