Abstract: Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and WebGL have emerged as influential technologies in modern front-end engineering, revolutionizing the way web applications are developed and experienced by users. This paper explores the significance of PWAs and WebGL in the context of front-end development, highlighting their key characteristics, benefits, and real-world applications. By examining the synergies between PWAs and WebGL, we discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with their integration. Through a comprehensive literature review, we analyze the current state of research and identify future trends and opportunities in this field. The paper aims to provide valuable insights for front-end engineers, researchers, and stakeholders interested in leveraging PWAs and WebGL to create immersive, performant, and engaging web experiences.

Keywords: Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), WebGL, Front-End Engineering, Web Development

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2021.10830

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