Abstract: In this paper, decentralized traffic light control using wireless sensor network. The system architecture is classified into three layers; the wireless sensor network, the localized traffic flow model policy, and the higher level coordination of the traffic lights agents. The wireless sensors are deployed on the lanes going in and out the intersection. These sensors detect vehicles’ number, speed, etc. and send their data to the nearest Intersection Control Agent (ICA) which, determines the flow model of the intersection depending on sensors’ data (e.g., number of vehicles approaching a specific intersection). Coping with dynamic changes in the traffic volume is one of the biggest challenges in intelligent transportation system (ITS). Our main contribution is the real-time adaptive control of the traffic lights. Our aim is to maximize the flow of vehicles and reduce the waiting time while maintaining fairness among the other traffic lights. Each traffic light controlled intersection has an intersection control agent that collects information from the sensor nodes. An intersection control agent manages its intersection by controlling its traffic lights.
Keywords: Automated traffic system, Arduino mega, Ultrasonic sensor, Buzzer, Light Emitting Diode (LED) ; Dual 7-Segment Display Internet of Things (IoT),Traffic congestion. Wi-Fi module ESP 8266