Abstract: UI developers attracted in UI design patterns normally face main difficulties when trying to use them, since of the complexity of pattern collections and the lack of supporting utensils. As a significance, UI design patterns are not extensively used and this entails an imperative damage of productivity and superiority. In this study, we acknowledged and transcribed 30 UI patterns that were made available in a library, and we associated four modes of presentation for them: pattern thumbnails, application types, decision trees, and alphabetical mode. Ten subjects participated in the study. Operator gratification was advanced with the three new methods than with the alphabetic method. Exploration period was advanced with the three new methods than with the alphabetic mode. Though problematic to evaluate, pattern significance was improved with the three new methods. Those findings were twisted into approvals for instantaneous applications. In conclusion, we proposition some research paths for the future.
Keywords: Present UI Design Patterns, decision trees, projected approach, Standard Screen Patterns, application types,
pattern thumbnails.