Abstract: 65% of the drinking water in our country comes from rivers and streams. Every year, millions of tonnes of trash find their way into the rivers and streams of our country. It can poison drinking water and endanger the lives of everyone who depends on it, making it more than simply an eyesore.In this paper we have discussed various methods of river cleaning to minimise water pollutants. We can effectively remove great quantities of physical waster through an unmanned river cleaning bot. Several effluents can be removed from river water is by the application of moving bed biofilm reactor and integrated fixed activated sludge. Another method is phytoremediation of contaminated waters using aquatic plants and artificial aeration. Due to its environmentally favourable characteristics, bioremediation (the use of microorganisms to clean up contaminated areas) has proven practical and trustworthy. Several variables, including but not limited to cost, site features, type, and concentration of contaminants, might determine whether bioremediation is done in situ or ex situ. The aim of this paper is to analyse and discuss the most efficient and effective methods of river water cleaning and decontamination.
Keywords: River Water Cleaning, Bioremediation, Phytoremediation, Unmanned River Cleaning Bot, Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor, Integrated Fixed Activated Sludge