Abstract: ´The system's development involves the collection and preprocessing of data, the selection and training of an ML algorithm, and the implementation of object detection for hand or palm recognition. The model predicts movement based on changes in palm position, allowing for seamless mouse pointer control. The system also includes an integration with the operating system to translate these movements into actual mouse pointer actions. This innovative approach presents an intuitive and hands-free method for computer interaction, potentially benefiting users with physical impairments or those seeking more natural and immersive computing experiences. The system utilizes ML algorithms to track and interpret the movements of a user's hand or palm, enabling precise control of a computer mouse pointer. The virtual palm pointer mouse addresses accessibility challenges by offering an intuitive and hands-free interface, abbreviating the reliance on traditional input contrivances. The system has the potential to benefit users with motor disabilities, ergonomic predilections, or those seeking a more natural and fluid interaction with digital interfaces. 

Keywords: smart browsing, hand gesture recognition, computer vision, image recognition, virtual mouse.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2024.13541

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