Abstract: Virtualization can be seen as a significant part of a general example in big business IT that incorporates autonomic registering, a situation where in the IT condition will in all likelihood manage itself reliant on saw movement, and utility figuring, in which PC preparing force is viewed as an utility that customers can pay for similarly as required. The typical objective of virtualization is to unify regulatory missions while improving adaptability and undertaking. Different software has been installed in The Higher Institute of Telecommunications & Navigation laps, some software is missing in some PC's, needs upgrade and reinstallation. This research will review one of Application virtualization arrangement that permits multiuser remote access to local programming virtualization server from any gadget, anyplace, whenever and utilizing different platforms.
By creating this server, all instructors and students can use the updated software from the central server whether in LAPs Pc's or from instructor private PC's or gadgets. As a result, this virtualized server will solve software inaccessibility and defective issued in all LAPs PC's will likewise permit all organization segments to remotely associate with this server and utilize the software, will defiantly reduce the effort and cost to software installation and maintenance.
Keywords: Virtualization Software, Vmware, Hyper-V, Vsphere, Citrix Hypervisor