Abstract: This project is designed to control a robot with voice commands. An Android application with a microcontroller is used to complete the required tasks. The connection between the Android application and the vehicle is provided via Bluetooth technology. The robot is controlled by buttons in the app or commands from the user. Two DC servo motors connected to the microcontroller on the receiver side facilitate the movement of the robot. The command from the mobile application is converted into a digital signal via the Bluetooth RF transmitter and sent to the appropriate distance of the robot (approximately 100 meters). At the end of the receiver, the data is determined by the receiver and fed to the microcontroller, which ensures smooth operation of the DC motor. The purpose of the voice-controlled robot car is to perform tasks by listening to the user's commands. In order for users to work effectively on the robot, prior preparation is required. Similarly, program code is used to give instructions to the controller.
Keywords: Robot, Design, Fabrication, Sensor, Automation.