Abstract: According to research, 8 lakh people die from waterborne diseases in most of developing and undeveloped countries. The flips in the sewage treatment cause the improper treatment of water, which in turn affects the lives dependent on that water. The automation of these treatment processes will help improve the treatment of water. Every year over a million people suffer from waterborne diseases and a number of them are mainly due to improper treatment of water. Water pollution has been an increasing problem over the last few years. Hence, it is a necessity to deal with this problem and to make sure most of the swage is treated before use. The treatment plant is automated with the help of IoT and IoT-based sensors. These sensors are used to monitor the quality of the water and control the flow of water. This data can also be used to process and store this information for future research and processing. This sewage treatment plant automation aims to achieve this by making use of IoT to reduce power consumption and gives better water quality. On a large scale, the implementation and sewage treatment plant automation will be way cheaper than the traditional methods.

Keywords: Water quality testing, Water treatment, Arduino, Arduino sensors.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2023.125138

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