Abstract: Frequency hopping techniques are used in CDMA communication systems, where several hopping frequencies are allocated for each user within a specific frequency range for all users. The number of frequencies within a certain frequency range is fixed so that the interference noise is reduced.The frequency hopping algorithm for these frequencies varies from one user to another. In this paper, we propose a practical method for a frequency hopping system using a programmable hopping algorithm stored in ROM for the case of slow FHSS and fast FHSS, and for three users and eight frequencies , this system is designed using a cyclone II EP2C20F484C7 FPGA from ALTERA placed on education and development board DE-1 with the following parameters:
-Clock frequency: FCLK=50MHz
-Modulation type of signal is : 2FSK.
-Frequency range: (0.011 Hz…10 MHz).
-Frequency Resolution: (0.011 Hz).
-Signal amplitude (5V).
-Controlled parameters: values of hopping frequency, number of hopping frequencies, type of FHSS .
-Update capability: changing hopping frequency algorithm, changing modulation type: BPSK, MFSK, increase frequency range up to 20MHz , changing data frequency and hopping frequency.
| DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2024.13701