Abstract: The wide range of smart grid applications rely on wireless sensor networks to monitor and control the smart grid. Each one of these applications has their own quality of service requirements that should be met by these sensor networks. The different communication technologies share the same spectrum band that is used by wireless sensor networks which, may interfere with it and cause network performance degradation. Thus, there is a need to automatically adapt to connectivity changes induced by wireless communications in the smart grid environment. This paper proposes a new adaptive-multi parameter MAC protocol to achieve reliable communications. Three performance parameters of channel quality, packet delivery ratio, and average remaining energy are combined using a weight cost function to adapt the back off time to dynamically select the best communication channels. The proposed MAC protocol is simulated using the MiXiM simulator- based OMNET++ platform to evaluate the network performance. The results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed MAC protocol to mitigate the interference and satisfy the quality of service requirements of the diverse smart grid applications. The results show that the proposed protocol has improved the network performance of about of 25% increase in successful transmission with lower delay and less energy consumption compared to the basic standard protocol.
Keywords: Smart grid, wireless sensor networks, MAC, reliability, IEEE802.15.4.