Abstract: As a part of VLSI technology, millions of transistors is integrated into a single chip called a system on chip (soc). AMBA protocol is much popular protocol for communication of soc component. AMBA was introduced by ARM for on chip communication. AMBA protocal has sub members like AHB, APB, and AXI etc. The APB is used for low bandwidth applications like timer, SRAM, UART etc. Hear in this project, mainly focus on design and verification of APB protocal using UVM, a standard verification methodology nowadays. Also this project involves in creation of coverage report for functionality check of the test bench environment, and also taking coverage report and analysing the design is covered 100% wrt test bench.

Keywords: AMBA, AHB, APB, UVM

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2022.117107

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