Abstract: Background radiation is an important aspect of environmental monitoring, as it can have significant impacts on human health and safety. In recent years, advances in technology have made it possible to measure background radiation more accurately and efficiently. One promising approach involves the use of drones, which can cover large areas quickly and provide high-resolution data. The key challenge in this approach is to develop a reliable method for collecting and analysing the data.

To address this challenge, this paper presents a novel method for measuring background radiation using drones equipped with wireless transfer capabilities and custom software. The drones are flown at predetermined altitudes and collect data using radiation sensors. The data is then transmitted wirelessly to a ground station, where it is processed and analysed using custom software. The results of our experiments show that this method is highly effective in measuring background radiation over large areas. The data collected by the drones is accurate and reliable, and the custom software provides a powerful tool for analysing and visualizing the data. This approach makes it easier and more efficient to gather data and identify potential health risks.

Keywords: Background Radiation, ESP8266, GPS, Geiger Counter, UAV, IoT

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2023.12561

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