Abstract— “Cloud Computing” approach is considered as tightly coupled with low cost or cost efficiency approach. Reduction of cost is considered as an important advantage of Cloud. However, there are no proper tools are available for cost calculation and analysis in Cloud environment. This paper introduces our efforts taken to filling in the gap. Our approach namely ‘Cost Effective Resource Provisioning Approach’ is the platform that guide to minimize the overall cloud spend by analysing the mismanaged resources, eliminating waste, reserving capacity for higher discounts, and appropriate sizing for computing services as well.

The key role of ‘Resource Provisioning’ is to assist the businesses for analysing how much they are spending on services regarding the cloud computing. It notifies the cloud user by providing the alerts through regular emails; showing the calculations of monthly estimate to date. It also helps to comprehend the when cost overages are happening (not after the fact). The key motivation in implementing this proposed work is to create private cloud (test bed) by applying (Amazon Account) as well as by monitoring analytical resources that mainly includes RAM, CPU, memory, bandwidth, partition information, information and etc. about running process, the utilization and so on. Also, it recommends the price reduction strategy. The system also enables optimum utilization of cloud resources.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2022.114216

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