Abstract: Abstract: Fog computing is an emerging technology in the field of network services where data transfer from one device to another to perform some kind of activity. Fog computing is an extended concept of cloud computing. It works in-between the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud data centers and reduces the communication gaps. Fog computing has made possible to have decreased latency and low network congestion. Fog computing is an on-going research trend in which the possibility of efficient network services exist. Fog computing can be described as a cloud type platform having similar services of data computation, data storage and application service but it is fundamentally different as it decentralized. In this paper, we have done a comprehensive survey on fog computing& IoT and described the fog computing architecture and analyse its different benefits and applications. We have also analysed the security aspects of fog computing & IoT, which is necessary and an important part of any kind of technology used in data communication system.
Keywords: Cloud computing, Fog computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Latency, Network Congestion.