Abstract: Water is generally regarded as precise and tonic of life.Water shortage has become an important heartbreak. Water shortage is defined as the lack of sufficient available water in all the water resources particularly to meet the demands of water usage.For this core factor we need to save water in all the aspects possible. When we are going to buy a home in residential apartment/society. Therefore,society must have important amenties like automatic water maintenance bill to detect usage of water by individual flats .The objective of IOT based Society Water Management with Automatic Bill Generation system is to provide smart monitoring of water flow in pipes and purity of drinking water, to minimize the wastage of the water and to distribute the water bill according to the usage of water per flat.A comparative study of pros and cons of these approaches have been perceived and the performance metrics of purity, leakage in water pipes and time of responses have been discussed in this survey paper.Also description of IOT based Society Water Management with Automatic Bill Generation using ESP8266 controller.

Keywords: Water wastage, IoT, Water Quality, Water Management, ESP8266.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2021.105127

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