Abstract: This work presents a comprehensive analysis of Double-Gate Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors (DG-TFETs) employing III-V semiconductor materials, utilizing the Non-Equilibrium Green’s Function (NEGF) formalism. TFETs, which operate based on quantum tunneling mechanisms, offer promising solutions for low-power electronic applications due to their potential for achieving steep subthreshold swings and high ON-state currents. The NEGF formalism, known for its robustness in modeling quantum transport phenomena, is applied to study the performance of DG-TFETs with III-V materials such as GaAs and InP, which are known for their high electron mobility and narrow bandgaps. Key performance metrics, including ON-state current (ION) and OFF-state current (IOFF) are evaluated by utilizing different gate metal work functions. Our analysis demonstrates that electric field and drain current of III-V DG-TFETs exhibit significantly improved ION and reduced IOFF through optimized band alignment. All simulation have been carried out using the SILVACO technology computer aided design (TCAD) tool.
Keywords: Double-Gate Tunnel Field Effect Transistor (DG-TFET), Non-Equilibrium Green’s Function (NEGF), Work function, ON-State current, OFF-State current, Doping concentration.