Abstract: Smart contracts are programs organized in blockchain surroundings, which manage the performance of accounts inside the Ethereum state. It is the algorithmic explanation of a prescribed business deal procedure that is spontaneously executed and composed of the data delivered by its parties. Solidity is an object-oriented, high-level language for applying smart contracts. It is impacted by Python, C++, and JavaScript, and is intended to aim at the (EVM) Ethereum Virtual Machine. This article mainly emphasizes how a smart contract is written in the programming language Solidity. Smart contracts are an outstanding approach to generating contracts that can be placed out concretely without human sentiments. This article clarifies what smart contracts are and how to write a contract by displaying the Solidity programming language syntax, i.e. known as the smart contract language. The extension of this article, beginning with the description of smart contracts, also comprises in which regions and in which schemes smart contracts are used. The article also emphasizes the Solidity programming language syntax, which is a statically typed (characteristic of a programming language in which various types are explicitly declared and thus are determined at compile time) programming language considered to generate smart contracts executing on the EVM. The article ends by displaying showing steps to execute a simple solidity smart contract using Remix IDE. Finally.
Keywords: Blockchain, Ethereum, Remix, Solidity, Smart Contracts