Abstract: The existing traffic light controller used almost in every city, towns, or villages utilizes a basic fixed-time method in which the time allotted to the traffic signal lights are fixed irrespective of the traffic density in that path (i.e., whether low or high). This method is inefficient and almost always leads to traffic congestion during peak hours while drivers are given unnecessary waiting time during off-peak hours. The proposed design is a more universal and intelligent approach to the situation and has been implemented using FPGA. In this project, we have proposed a design of FPGA-based Traffic Light Control (TLC) System to manage the road traffic. The approach is by controlling the access to areas shared among multiple intersections and allocating effective time between various users, during peak and off-peak hours. Theoretically the waiting time for drivers during off-peak hours has been reduced further, therefore making the system better than the one being used at the moment. Future improvements include addition of other functions to the proposed design to suit various traffic conditions at different locations.
Keywords: FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array), Infrared Sensor, FSM (Finite State Machine), VHDL, Xilinx ISE.