Abstract: This survey explores the secure and hybrid bio-inspired optimization techniques for Flying Ad-Hoc Networks (FANETs), addressing the limitations of traditional methods in dynamic and complex environments. Novel bio-inspired algorithms, such as clustering schemes and routing protocols, are proposed to enhance adaptability, robustness, and energy efficiency. Despite advancements, FANETs face significant challenges in security and performance. This study reviews recent developments in bio-inspired optimization, analyzing their efficacy and highlighting novel approaches like BICSF and multi-hop clustering algorithms. The proposed algorithms demonstrate improvements in secure communication and efficient resource utilization. The survey concludes that bio-inspired techniques offer promising solutions for optimizing FANETs, paving the way for future research to address existing gaps and enhance the overall performance and security of these networks.

Keywords: Bio-inspired optimization, clustering schemes, routing protocols, FANETs, secure communication, energy efficiency, dynamic networks.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2024.13723

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