Abstract: This study proposes a new universal drone design that can be used in a variety of applications. The drone system has four to twelve rotors and is equipped with movable arms. For the proposed universal drone simulations, a standard eight rotors (Octocopter) and independently controlled twelve rotors (Dodecacopter) configurations are chosen as a comparison study to benchmark the trajectory performance. Furthermore, because the arm lengths of this drone system can be altered, the effect of varied arm lengths can be seen. The lengths of this performance are also investigated. Both systems are compared in five different operating conditions, including without disturbance, with periodic disturbances, and with non-periodic disturbances. When the amplitude was increased by 100% under the periodic disturbing effect, the root mean square of the position errors of the Octocopter and Dodecacopter systems increased by 69.7% and 47.6%, respectively, in the simulations. Similarly, for non-periodic disruptions, both systems saw a 13 percent and 7 percent increase, respectively. According to the obtained results, the octocopter system is partially more stable without disturbing effect while the dodecacopter system is more stable flight than octocopter systems as the disturbance effect grows.
Keywords: Control and design of multirotor UAVs, Modeling in motion simulation